Friday, 23 January 2009

Cosmetic Chart-Toppers and Big Movers For 2008

With another year over, we though we'd have a look back at those cosmetic procedures and treatments that were the most popular during 2008.

No. 1: BOTOX (Botulinum toxin) maintains the top slot.

Botox is most commonly used as a treatment for frown lines on the forehead, though it is also an effective treatment for wrinkles, crow’s feet and neck bands as well. Botox is very popular with many celebrities.

No. 2: The Restylane family of treatments continues as market leader and our favoured choice of dermal filler.

Restylane is an injectable treatment that contains hyaluron gel. The treatment help restore volume to the skin, provide lift and smooth away and soften facial lines. He procedure involves I injecting the Restylane compound into the desired areas in the face.

No. 3: Laser Treatments – these still offer the best results for hair removal, thread-veins and sunspots.

There are many laser treatments available. They range from hair removal and skin rejuvenation to treating leg and facial veins, acne scarring and Rosacea

No. 4: Facial peels and microdermabrasion - wonderful ways of freshening and brightening the skin without any disruption.

Microdermabrasion is a popular cosmetic procedure used to treat conditions such as fine lines and wrinkles, age spots, blotchy skin and blemishes and acne scarring among other things.

Chemical Peels and facial peels are used to remove the outer layer of skin. This makes the skin fresher, removes some sunspots and rough scaly patches, and reduces freckles and irregular pigmentation. It also reduces fine wrinkles.

Big movers up the charts in 2008 have been Sculptra, and OBAGI Nu-Derm prescription skincare and we predict that these will see a continuing increase in popularity during 2009.

You can read our previous article on Sculptra here.

One to watch for 2009! – Vavelta is a new treatment for scarring and skin rejuvenation. We are focussing on its use in scarring and are already seeing good results.

For more information on any of these cosmetic treatments contact Mulberry House Clinic on 01604 702630 or visit

Tuesday, 20 January 2009

Mole Removal - Where to get Treatment

Moles are pigmented spots on the skin containing the skin pigment melanin, they can be beneath the skin (sub dermal) or raised. There are many types of moles ranging from benign, to suspicious, to malignant lesions.

People mistakenly refer to many other lesions on the skin as to moles. These can be small cysts, fibromas, angiomas, age spots, cholesterol deposits and largeish warts. They can vary in colour from flesh coloured, yellow, red, blue or dark brown.

National campaigns are frequently run to make the public aware of skin cancer. Simple precautions are advised such as: to avoid prolonged sun exposure by using sun block regularly and to wear appropriate clothing.

You are advised to seek a medical opinion if your mole/skin lesion develops suspicious characteristics such as: increasing in size, become darker, itches, bleeds, develops irregular edges or becomes raised.

Thankfully most lesions that people present with are benign and amenable to quick mole removal.

Where should you seek treatment for mole removal?

The first port of call should be to your General Practitioner; large numbers of doctors perform minor surgery and will skillfully remove the lesion. If they think the lesion is suspicious they will refer you to the local dermatologist or suspicious mole clinic at the local hospital.

Recently some primary care trusts in the country have made a dictat; if mole removal is requested for cosmetic reasons, then this should not be made available on the NHS, the General Practitioner then has every right to decline treatment.

The option then left for mole removal for whatever reasons is to turn to your local cosmetic clinic.

Leading cosmetic clinics use a wide variety of techniques for mole removal; the most popular are Electrocautery, Laser and Radiofrequency. These will be briefly discussed.

Electrocautery involves as the name suggests cauterization using a probe which is heated by a D.C Electric current. The temperature of the probe is high and the resulting thermal damage to the sun can leave a scar. Never Electrocautery machines have variable power settings, so scans can be mitigated.

Radiofrequency uses radiosurgery probes which vapourise the moles, the advantage using this methos is that the resulted thermal damage to the skin is less leaving negligible scarring and instant results.

Lasers are excellent for removal curtain says lesions such as angionanas, giving excellent single treatment results and negligible scarring.

In conclusion; depending on the treatment methods despite the prices between cosmetic clinics can range from £75-£300/ treatment for a single mole lesion - so it is definitely with shopping around.

Article by Dr S R Bassi