Thursday, 25 June 2009

Benefits of Differing Dermal Fillers

There are a lot of dermal fillers on the market at the moment and we have decided we would compare some of the market leaders; or rather the differences in what they are composed of, rather than specifically choose products themselves (as many are fairly similar).

So what are the 2 differing types we are going to compare? Hyaluronic Acid and Polylactic Acid, the former being used in products such as Restylane and Juvederm the latter in Sculptra.

Hyaluronic Acid Gel is the main component in many dermal fillers and, just like Polylactic Acid, offers excellent results. It is an injectable gel that offers immediate results to the treated area. The gel lifts folds and wrinkles and is perfect for nasolabial (nose to mouth) folds, frown lines, fine lines and wrinkles, tear troughs, hands and the neck and cleavage areas. Hyaluronic acid dermal fillers are perfect for lips and lip lines as well.

As stated the results show immediately, and it offers a very natural looking results. It has very little if any side-effects associated with it but does have some minor after-effects such as minor redness, swelling and possible bruising. It normally requires one or two treatments to get the desired results, and they will normally last around 4 – 12 months depending which brand of filler is used. Fillers such as Restylane and Juvederm are proceeding in around to £200 to £1000 mark.

Sculptra uses the suspension of polylactic acid to achieve its results, this involves the acid being released in the desired are over time and in turn this causes the stimulation of new collagen. This means the effects are not immediate but instead they improve over several weeks. However as it stimulates new collagen formation in the skin it means it looks completely natural.

Like hyaluronic acid, polylactic acid suspension is perfect for all facial areas, hands, neck and cleavage areas, but it is not suited to lips or lip lines. However Dr Tanqueray of Mulberry House believes that Sculptra offers a more comprehensive approach as it allows him to look at the face as a whole and restore volume in a more general and balanced way, so it may not be as good for lips, but is arguably the better option otherwise.

Again there are little to no side-effect associated with this treatment and the side effects really only include possible bruising as a common factor. It normally requires 2-4 treatments for the best results and costs start at £400 and go up to around the £2000 mark. However this treatment tends to last 18 months to around 2 years, making it a much longer term solution.

Both of these dermal fillers can actually be used together to give outstanding results were needed and both are available from Mulberry House Clinic.

Wednesday, 24 June 2009

Radiage - Tighter Skin Without Surgery

Selston Cosmetic Clinic introduced the Radiage skin tightening procedure to their comprehensive list of treatments a little over 12 months ago. Since then it has proved very popular and successful with outstanding results.

Radiage is one of the newest non-ablative cosmetic procedures for the rejuvenation of the skin. Radiage is the name of the treatments and the device used for the procedure as well.

So how does it work?

The Radiage heats and modifies the collagen in the skin and causes it to tighten and contract. The result is loose skin on the neck is lifted and wrinkles are almost entirely removed; the skin feels tighter and smoother than before.

Most patients see results immediately on the skin’s outer surface while the Radio Frequency (RF) energy slightly heats and modifies the soft tissues under the skin. The final results come from the collagen contracting and tightening thus smoothing the skin.

Radiage is a walk in/walk out procedure with virtually no down-time. Many people have this treatment in lunch breaks and head back to work after.

For the desired effects and looks a course of 6-8 treatments every 2 weeks is recommended.

It is important to not that Radiage does not work for everyone, and you will be advised on this by your cosmetic specialist. However Selston Cosmetic Clinic offer a free trial session of Radiage so you can see for yourself if there are benefits or not from this amazing procedure.

Roberta James is a lead Cosmetic Nurse at Selston Cosmetic Clinic in North Nottinghamshire. Roberts runs the department for Microdermabrasion, Skin Peels, Radiage, Laser Hair Removal and Laser Skin Rejuvenation.

Tuesday, 16 June 2009

Thread Lifts and How They Work

Botox and dermal fillers are great, but they tend to lack that certain something when it comes to recreating youthful facial contours. These traditional “injectables” are great for dynamic or static facial lines but as cosmetic practitioners we are aware that they have little, if any, true lifting effect.

The demand for a procedure akin to something as minimally invasive as an Botox or dermal fillers, but at the same time providing a lift as good as full cosmetic surgery has led to the development of the “thread lift”. The thread lift procedure involves various cosmetic techniques that are aimed at lifting parts of the face and body using specially designed surgical threads (though normal surgical threads are perfectly acceptable). The thread lift procedure is slightly more invasive than an injectable, yet is much less dramatic compared to conventional surgical lifting; making it a good compromise between the extremes of these two techniques.

How does the thread lift work?

The threads are inserted into the superficial fat layer below the skin and above the facia. Once inserted, the threads are positioned and directed by the operator in order to achieve their maximum potential and this process differs in the two main techniques of free-floating and suspension type thread lifting.

Once under the skin the thread achieves two types of lift, mechanical and histological. The mechanical lift is noticeable immediately after insertion of the thread due to the barbs pulling the soft tissue to achieve lifting. The histological lift is due to the deposition of fibroblasts and new collagen being formed around the barbs. The visible effects appear over time, usually from two weeks after the insertion.

As with every cosmetic procedure, correct patient selection is one of the most important factors of its success, as despite the many advantages of the thread lift not every one is suitable for it.

Careful assessment of the patient is important as there are other factors that determine the success of the procedure. These factors are the amount of subcutaneous fat and the quality of the skin. For example a very thin patient will not be a suitable candidate as there is simply not enough subcutaneous fat for the threads to be inserted into. Skin quality is important because in thread lift there is no excision of skin, but we rely on the elastic properties of the skin to achieve retraction, which usually takes place from two weeks after the procedure. Therefore a patient with too much redundant skin and/or a high level of sun damage cannot receive thread lift treatment.

Compared to conventional surgery the possible complications involved in thread lifts are much fewer. This, along with the fact that thread lift procedures are reversible (more so in the early stages), makes it overall a much safer procedure. Possible complications have been noted as including haematoma, thread extrusion, visible threads, asymmetry, neuropraxia, paraesthesia and less satisfactory results and these all have to be mentioned to the patient before treatments begins. One of the most common reasons for unsatisfactory results is the excessive movement of the face in the early stages after the procedure has been performed. In order to avoid this, the administration of Botox treatments two weeks prior to a thread lift is advisable in the required areas.

To summarise, the thread lift procedures have a definite place in aesthetic surgery. For the right patient they can deliver results as good as conventional surgery but with minimal scarring and down time.

Thread Lifts are availble through Glancey Medical Associates based in London and Essex and headed by Dr Lucy Glancey.

Monday, 15 June 2009

Vibro Lipo - Another Amazing Liposuction Alternative

Recently Dr Bassi of Selston Cosmetic Clinic, part of the Cosmetic Clinics Group, travelled to Belgium to witness and assess one of the latest Liposuction procedures – Vibro Liposculpture.

The Vibro Liposculpture system was demonstrated to Dr Bassi, and Selton Clinic’s lead Vaser Lipo technician Mags Whyler, by Dr Safar, an eminent liposuction surgeon in Brussels. Dr Safar has performed more than 5000 liposuction procedures and has been using the Vibro Lipo system for over 10 years.

Currently Vaser Lipo is one the optimal forms of non-invasive liposuction and provides fantastic results, proof in point is that Selston and many of the other Clinics in the Cosmetic Clinics Group utilise Vaser Lipo. However Vaser Lipo is best suited for small to medium volumes of fat removal. This means that those patients who need much larger amounts of fat removing cannot be realistically treated except by traditional liposuction, which is a much longer and more expensive treatment that required hospital time.

Vibro Lipo solves this problem is a big way. Whilst Dr Bassi and Mags were in Brussels they observed Dr Safar perform the Vibro Lipo procedure on a lady from Russia. The procedure was performed under local anaesthetic and the lady was aware and quite chatty (if you understand Russian that is). The end results were very impressive, with a staggering 3.5 litres of pure fat removed from the upper and lower abdomen and anterior flanks of the client.

Since then the Vibro Lipo system has been integrated and installed at Selston Cosmetic Clinic and Dr Bassi and the team hope to use this new technology to provide a much wider selection of treatments for their clients regardless of shape or size.

Dr S.R. Bassi is the leading cosmetic physician and Mags Whyler is the lead Vaser Lipo technician at a top cosmetic clinic in North Nottingham - Selston Cosmetic Clinic.